on the Blog

Sound Bites 🫦

noun. : a brief recorded statement (as by a public figure) broadcast especially on a television news program. also : a brief catchy comment or saying.

Craving Voxer style Podcast Strategy & Coaching but in a quick hot take?
Yea, that's exactly what this is.

Welcome to Sound Bites 🫦 a Micro-Blog produced [audio-style] designed for you to consume in 3 min or less, recorded and transcribed in one take, skimmable, raw, off-the-cuff, shareable thoughts [about podcasting, business, entrepreneur life, and everything in between]. These are hot takes, confidence boosters, quick tips, and posts you’ll actually care to listen to or read - it’s your choice lovely (so feel free to sink your teeth into these asap).

Podcast Erin Tofani Podcast Erin Tofani

5 Ways To “Juicy-Hook” Your Podcast Audience

Ready for some JUICY content? Here it is: If you’re not HOOKING your audience right from the start, they will skip your podcast episode.

Yep. Think of how you stop their scroll on the ‘gram - your post needs an enticing photo or graphic, it needs a juicy headline to capture their attention and get them to keep reading.

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