5 Ways To “Juicy-Hook” Your Podcast Audience


Ready for some JUICY content? Here it is: If you’re not HOOKING your audience right from the start, they will skip your podcast episode. 

Yep. Think of how you stop their scroll on the ‘gram - your post needs an enticing photo or graphic, it needs a juicy headline to capture their attention and get them to keep reading. 

The same is true when Podcasting. You’ve got to give the listener something to hook on to, from the very beginning to see if they are willing to commit to listen to the rest of the episode. 

But don’t worry, I’ve laid some easy tips out for you to do this in two formats: 1) within the episode itself or 2) on social 

Here we go:


First, IN the Episode Itself:

#1 - Hook em' with a "preview" to the episode; following the intro but before the main audio content.

What is the episode about? Who's the guest?


#2 - Hook em' by playing a literal PIECE of the main audio BEFORE you que the intro.

The guest answering a question, or y'all are sharing a laugh


Second, On Social:

#3 - Play a 30-60 second JUICY clip of the show audio in the form of an audiogram on your stories

Create pre-made templates in Canva, every episode feature an audiogram the day before your podcast episode airs!

#4 - Pop a video in your feed - Use the same audiogram, but post it to your feed, hook those non-story-watching followers

Create pre-made templates in Canva, every episode feature an audiogram the day before your podcast episode airs!

#5 - Pop a GRAPHIC on your feed or stories that tells to entice visual learners

- Who the episode is for?

- What main topics are?

- What they can learn?

- What your favorite part was

Want more? If you want more examples, check out my “Tips” highlight ON instagram for a full breakdown 🙌🏻

What was one of your best performing juiciest hooks recently? 


3 Time Saving Tips When Podcasting