Stop Apologizing to Your Listeners

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

 Stop apologizing to your listeners. I'm Erin, podcast producer for thought leaders, and this is the shit nobody tells you about podcasting. Your listeners don't actually need you to be a perfectly polished speaker, but they do need you to be confident and direct. Don't apologize in the middle of an episode telling them that it was gonna be a short one, when actually it's turned out to be more like 60 minutes.

Just don't even set that expectation. If it's long, it's long. Don't start off your episode beating around the bush, giving them a week long recap about what you've been up to in your life, and then apologize for taking too long and rambling To get to your point and start the episode just. Get right to the point at the beginning so they don't hit skip.

Unless your weekly recap is the content that you're talking about, in which case you should story tell your way through that. Remember that your podcast should be a place that feels like it's an expansion of yourself and your business, and a place for connection with your listener that's on the other end of those earbuds taking the time to actually hear what you have to say.

So don't be apologetic. Be confident, be direct and get to the point. Check out my other videos for more. Shit you need to know about podcasting in this series.


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